The Italian Recycled Textile Association was established with the aim of enhancing the work that the Textile District of Prato has been doing for decades, namely producing high-quality fabrics from recycled raw materials. It therefore wants to defend the past and look confidently to the future. ASTRI was founded on August 2nd, 2017, not with the intention of competing with other industry associations representing the District, but with the hope of being able to collaborate in a complementary manner.
2nd August 2017
Astri was born thanks to the willpower of some entrepreneur of the textile industry, who made of the recycling and sustainability their strengh. More than 200 enterprises joined the society, from ferrymen to old rag-and-bone men, dealers, finishings, wool mills and dyeing groups.
The Board of Directors members.
Fabrizio Tesi
President – Comistra
Sauro Gerri
Vice President – Progetto Lana
Gabriele Innocenti
Filati Omega – Treasurer
Giacinto Gelli
Fil-3 – Counselor
Andrea Borelli
Tessitura Italia – Counselor
Massimo Paolieri
Paolieri Paolo & C. Sas – Counselor
Alessio Beccani
Beccani e Vannucchi Spa – Counselor
Luca Nardi
Tintoria Martelli E C. – S.R.L. – Scientific Committee Consultant
Simone Francioni
Francioni Fa Sas di Francioni Simone e C. – Secretary
Raffaele Desideri
D.R.D di Desideri Raffaele e C. S.N.C – Scientific Committee Consultant
Roberto de Matteis
Scientific Committee Consultant
Sandra Vannini
Scientific Committee Consultant and Foreign Contacts Consultant
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